I’ve heard it said before that the best kind of giving is Thanksgiving!

With the Holidays fast approaching, let us all hit the Pause button. Stop … take a deep breath, and reflect for just a moment on what you might be thankful for.

While we’re all chasing our career goals, our dreams and better futures, we should never take it for granted that we even have opportunities to chase.

We know all the stuff that’s wrong or broken with our country. Now, we should be thankful for all the things that are good and wholesome and right about it. Democracy is not always a pretty or polite process. But we should be thankful for those things that do work and for the freedoms it affords our citizens.

The best kind of giving comes from a thankful heart.

In our fast paced daily lives, it’s easy to get caught up with long term goals and lose sight of the smaller details. And, that’s where so much of the goodness is. Open up your hearts, and see the genuine goodness in the checkout clerk, your child’s teacher, and your child’s/grandchild’s words … and be ever thankful for these daily interactions. They are what build better communities.

The only reason we don’t live in a perfect world is because people are not perfect. The world we live in today is much different, and much better, than the world we inherited from our forefathers. But it’s far from perfect. That’s why the Founding Fathers included that line …. In order to form a more perfect union

So let us go home and form a more perfect union with our spouses and our families and do so with a thankful heart. Let us form a more perfect union with our fellow co-workers and bosses and other workplace personnel – and be thankful for the jobs and income they provide. Be thankful for your friends and loved ones.

Yes, things can be much better than they are, but they could also be a lot worse. It’s important to keep perspective. Open up your hearts and be ever grateful for what you have. You’ll come away the richer for it, that I promise.

My friends, I’ll leave you with this Irish blessing: May your troubles be less /and your blessings be more/ and nothing but happiness/ come through your door.

May your God always be with you … and may you have a Happy Thanksgiving!
