Inspiration comes from many sources. This time it came from the Pope’s recent visit to our country. He spoke eloquently and he even addressed the U.S. Congress in English. Strength and guidance also came from my learnings and knowledge about Mother Teresa and her words of wisdom in The Final Analysis…

At the same time, I was a guest on the John and Ken Show and I was talking about our efforts to recall Judge M. Marc Kelly who reduced a convicted child-rapist’s mandatory 25 year sentence to a 10 year sentence and blamed the three year old child for being victimized/sodomized.

I suggested on their radio show that if I personally advanced $10,000 using my credit cards into this recall effort would others then follow suit and make contributions and sign our petition? (Keeping in mind I do not have a penny in my savings account, but this has hit me personally.)

Our efforts raised $1,905 in a few hours of doing the show and an additional $3,000 in the last four days online. This has added to the great work already done the past several months from a grassroots effort.

We are speaking up for a three year-old child and we want her to know that none of this was her fault. Thank you all very much for your support. We are truly grateful.


Give what you can…