Now before most of you get your underpants all twisted up in a knot, I’m not talking about ‘miracles’ in a biblical sense or even in a religious sense. I’m talking about miracles in a purely statistical way. You know, like against all odds.

Often we hear of these catastrophic car accidents where the car looks like an accordion or the car is hanging precipitously on a little edge of the mountain and there are people who survive this; sometimes without a scratch. I’m talking about these types of miracles. I wonder what the survivors think!

Or how about the people who were supposed to go to work in the Twin Towers on that fateful day (9-11) but something interfered with their normal routine?  Or those who missed their flight that day?

We hear about people with life threatening illnesses and doctors giving them 6 months or 3 months to live. The next time they go in for a treatment, the doctors and technicians are baffled because whatever they saw there before is no longer there. How do we explain this? These stories are all too familiar now.

Heck you probably know someone yourself who has defied medical science.

And what about miracles of the heart. Where once only hatred lived, the person is consumed by a new found love. I loved the story in People Magazine many years ago about a Jew-hating Neo-Nazi who was invited to first talk, then later live with the Jewish family he detested. That’s right, he lived with this Jewish family for years and their children even called him Uncle (and his first name). This is not supposed to happen, right? Not even in the movies.

These types of miracles are perhaps the most moving. They’re probably the most moving because we hear of and see so much hatred and violence in the world today. This faction hates this faction, this country wants to blow this country up, and this group wants world domination, and so forth.

Technology has vastly improved the lives of millions around the world but still people aren’t happy. Speaking of technology, is that not a miracle of sorts? 250 people boarding a giant metal bird, rising 8 miles towards the sky and flying 700 mph for 11 hours and landing safely almost half way around the world. 100 years ago there were no planes. 100 years ago there was no TV, cell phones, satellites, submarines, penicillin or microchips.

I think there are miracles happening all around but we remain either unaware or not tuned in.

Do you believe in miracles? Care to share your thoughts? We welcome all thoughts, opinions, personal stories or ideas on this topic.

With faith there is hope. Thanks for listening.

Patricia Wenskunas  

 do you believe in miracels