A couple weeks ago, I posted a blog listing all my jobs, organizations I belonged to, career choices and different hats I wore from childhood to present day. If the list says anything, it says that I never stopped doing and that I kept myself busy.

But without exception, the most challenging, and at the same time the most rewarding job I have ever done in my life, is to be a mother. Period! Hands down. Bar none. And I have just one child, my son Nathaniel.

So this is a tribute to all the mothers who have raised or are raising children. Your job is the most important job of all. It is truly noble in nature. Much of the time it is tough, tiring and selfless work. It is also physical, psychological, and emotional. Some of the time it goes unnoticed or is unappreciated. And at other times, I’m sure it seems like a thankless job. But a mother’s unconditional love is the greatest gift of all.

So on Sunday, May 10th, we make this day to not only recognize but to honor and respect the sacred duty and privileges of motherhood. This day is your special day. If you have two or more children, you have my deepest respect and admiration. I am in awe of mothers with large families that are still able to pursue careers or be part of the workforce. It’s an impressive balancing act to say the least.

So this is my Mother’s Day wish for all the moms out there:

May your Mother’s Day be a joyous and happy occasion. May your heart be filled with gladness – you certainly deserve it. May you be surrounded by your children and grandchildren like flowers in a garden, and bathed in love and affection.

Please know that you are deeply appreciated and loved for all the sacrifices you make and have made the other 364 days of the year and that today we celebrate You!! Today we celebrate all the moms who in their heart of hearts want only the best for their children.

Wishing you a Happy and joy filled Mother’s Day!!!!

I don’t know how to always express it but I love you mom. I love you dearly. Now and in my weird way, always.

With faith there is hope. And with love, the seesaws go up and down . . and the world round ‘n round.

Patricia Wenskunas

 happy mothers day