I have never been a fan or supporter of Valentine’s Day!

As a woman, I think it sets up men to fail…

OK… I may not have dated in decades, I’m not in love and no one is intimately in love with me. Honestly, I’ve never had a Valentine. I’m not sad, disappointed, angry, bitter or jealous…!!!

In my heart, I believe love should be 365 and the best time to express is when least expected. I also believe gifts or anything monetary is not loving someone, showing love, proving or having a solid foundation and commitment.

I love my family, friends, frenemies and I also love myself!

So, this Valentine’s Weekend & Day, be thankful for all your blessings and not the Hallmark Holiday that it has become. Love is respect, dignity, faith, devotion, worship, caring, kindness, compassion, regard, concern, support, endearment, honesty, communication, time, warmth, intimacy, endearment, passion, charity, goodwill, philanthropy, humanity, community, family, friendships, relationships and unselfishness.

♥ Love is 365 ♥ Love is Priceless ♥ Muah ♥