Many people of Faith believe that the purpose of prayer is to convince or persuade God to grant one’s desires, or at other times, to help them out of a tough spot. In fact there’s a joke about a country preacher who decides to neglect his Sunday services and go bear hunting instead. On the trail he is startled by a big bear and is knocked down the side of the mountain loosing his rifle. He ends up with a broken leg and sees the bear charging at him from a distance. Quickly he prays, “Dear Lord, I’m sorry for what I’ve done, but please, I just ask you that you make this bear a Christian!” All of the sudden, the bear skids to a stop in front of the preacher, gets on his knees with his paws together and starts praying aloud: “Dear God, please bless this food I’m about to receive …” Be careful what you wish for, right? 🙂

But could there be another purpose of prayer that is perhaps of a more lofty nature? Perhaps another reason not-so-obvious to the one praying?

Science of Mind founder Ernest Holmes believes there is. Having spent a lifetime studying metaphysics, philosophy, Christian doctrine and spirituality, Holmes believes that the true purpose of prayer is to change one’s own consciousness. He said that one of the aspects of prayer is to put oneself into harmony with the divine Law of Life and Abundance; therefore to allow the flowing of God’s Good to fill us. He felt that one’s true essence is Goodness, Wholeness, and Truth, … and everyone may draw from this vast reservoir. Holmes believed. “God is more ready to give than we are to receive.” “Never be astonished when prayer is answered; be surprised when it isn’t and find out where you went wrong.”

I would add, that at its core, praying is a conversation with God. But the word conversation implies there’s a flip side … one has to listen back as well. I believe that Shirley MacLaine had once said that, “If praying is talking to God, then meditation is listening to God.” Okay, how many times have we heard people telling stories about “hearing a voice” inside of them that directed them to either safety or directed them toward a path forward that changed their lives in very impactful and positive ways?! That “voice” they speak of is the voice of God. And of course meditation is one of several techniques that is able to de-clutter the mind from all that is going on  and allow people to listen in a much more effective way.

Is there power in prayer? You decide for yourself, after all, it is a very personal, private and  sometimes profound experience.


With Faith, there is Hope… PW