He bounces his ball with such joy and excitement – just as a kid should do. He does it every morning before dashing off to school and then even earlier on the weekends. What could be more innocent than a boy bouncing a ball? Nothing, except this old lady is either working at her computer or trying to sleep and finds it a distraction – other times, disrupting.

I did have a funny thought about having super powers like Wonder Woman and I could throw his ball afar. Truth is, I don’t have the heart to do that nor do I have the heart to tell him to take the ball elsewhere.

I was thinking of saying something to him or even to his parent, but I chose not to. Instead, I decided to focus in on what it was like to be a child and let him enjoy his ball. I decided to let him have fun as kids will do. After all, this is part of condo living. Right? Shared space. Common areas. Live and let live.

There were moments when I thought to myself what it was like to play dodgeball and being hit with the ball as a child. Since I was heavy and hard to miss, I was always the one giving 10 cents for shields so I wouldn’t be hit again and again. It’s true, I carried lots of dimes, but let me again be honest, I got all those dimes from selling cootie shields from others.

So I’m taking a new approach. Let me go and find the inner child I seem to have lost and go outside and ask him if I could play with him and bounce, bounce, bounce that ball to my heart’s content and loosen up a bit. Life is too short. Interaction with others is good, right?

Upon further reflection, I may go and buy my own ball, or jacks and a ball, and so if you see me playing, please don’t judge me or think I’ve completely lost it, just know I am trying to live life . .  to the fullest.

Find your inner child, let the outside in and be yourself. Live life.

Thank you little boy outside my bedroom window.

Patricia Wenskunas
boy ball