Like most people, I had a choice.

Most of you who know me already know that I went through a terrifying experience about 20 years ago and suffered twice: once at the hands of the perpetrator, and then again at the hands of the criminal justice system … the very system that was supposed to speak for my rights.

At this point, I could have wallowed in the mire and had some pity parties. I could have gone to bed every night with a box of tissues and cried myself to sleep. Or, I could have done things to address both issues. I’m not sure what it was – probably my faith – but something deep inside of me made me choose the latter course and I started a 501c3 non-profit here in Southern CA. I didn’t want other families and individuals to go through what I went through. My journey was a lonely one. In my case, I experienced a deeply flawed justice system where a woman judge was more interested in the rights and well-being of the perpetrator than she was of the victim: me! I wanted to educate and empower people with how the system works and how to make it work better for them. I wanted to let these people know they are not alone.

Today, Crime Survivors Inc (CSI) is a successful organization that has helped thousands of individuals and families to survive and thrive. It provides information and guidance, food and games and fellowship all done in the spirit of community and cooperation.

If you find yourself a victim of crime, or have been personally violated, yes … you will grab those tissues to wipe away the tears. But don’t remain a victim. There are things you can do. You need to seek help. You need to talk about it! Empower yourself with knowledge. Surround yourself with family and loved ones. Go to meetings. I’m here to tell you …. You can and will survive. You will not only get through it, you will also thrive.

Every morning when I come to work, I am sometimes faced with dozens of problems and issues.

Yes, I too grabbed the tissues to wipe away the tears, but there are other ways to tackle these issues. As a victim of crime or personal assault, you now have a unique perspective in which to help others who have experienced something similar. I have found that helping others brings me continual healing and a great deal of satisfaction and joy.

Remember, you are not alone. There are resources; financial and otherwise to help you. With faith there is hope… PW