While visiting several rape crisis centers and even the one that I had personally been taken to when I  was victimized; I realized there were no items of faith for any beliefs, faiths, or religions. It was disheartening to me; so I asked: “Why is there nothing in here about God; yes I said God.” They stated they had items before; but were told to remove them because it would offend some victims, officers and advocates.


So, I do what I typically do and thought to myself: How as a survivor can I help others in that room to know; they are not alone, there is help and support and if I could survive with faith, belief, religion and God; they too can have faith, hope, healing and survive & thrive!!!

So, I made this sign and decided that I’m going to send it, drop it off and share it with every rape crisis center and ask them to hang it on their wall with the hope to help every victim, officer and advocate to know; I have no shame, blame and am proud of my faith and they too shall without guilt.

With Faith, there is Hope….

Patricia Wenskunas
(click on image for better view)
I was in that room 1