This is the name I chose for you because Nathaniel to me was the most precious beautiful 6lb 9 oz 20in. bundle of love, happiness and joy of a child with the brightest future. A true blessing to know you were my son, someone that I would live to provide for, love and nurture no matter what came our way. It says it all in your name ” A Gift From God.”

It was truly a struggle the nine months carrying you with being alone,however all I needed to do was look at my belly growing and eventually feel your tiny little feet and hands moving with your body swirling around and I would feel such love and I couldn’t wait to see your bright eyes, smile, beautiful face and I knew eventually, it would all be ok.

We were taken by helicopter to an emergency hospital, so you could enter this World. A long stay for you in the neonatal center and me in the hospital, but I felt a Mothers love and knew anything could and would be possible! We are family, we have a special bond and love; always and forever…

Once you were born into this world it has and continues to be a struggle at times, but somehow some way we have always made it through together, you and me. Never ever quitting, never ever giving up…

God knew you before you were born, and he had great plans for you. I believe he still has many more and your life has just begun!

I love you so much my son,,,, you are and will always be my bundle of joy!

Happy 26th Birthday!!!
Love YOU Always and Forever!!!!